Justin Burke

This week on the pod we are joined by Justin Burke! Justin is a single dad to one, a pastry chef, an cookbook author, a Covid survivor and gay. There was no holding back on this episode, it is a really good one! 

Justin’s story about how he came to be a father, his divorce and journey into co-parenting really shows his character and passion for being a Today’s Dad. Much like his work he has done over the years in restaurants to build community, his Today’s Dad definition focuses on community and viewing partnering/fatherhood as a tool to build up a positive community around what it means to be a dad. 

We are excited to see all of Justin’s new projects come out that he is working on, and will be sure to check back in with him when they do! A big thanks to him for coming on the pod and sharing his story! This is one you won’t want to miss. 


In This Episode: 


Justin Burke
Stephanie Cmar
Nick Roberts - EP

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith

Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/2Tt9Fka
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2MfPPI3
Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2McLrJV
Google Podcast - http://bit.ly/2MemDS4