Frank Thorp

Frank Thorp - Paternity, Pandemic, Parenthood, Politics & Peppercorn Saison Please

This week on the pod we are joined by Frank ThorpFrank is a dad to one, a two time Emmy nominated and Peabody winning journalist, a Producer & Off-air Reporter covering the US Senate for NBC News, and a dad living out his last few days on paternity leave. 

We sat down with Frank on Thursday night following the 2020 election and were fully prepared to watch the race get called while we recorded, but no such luck! We covered a lot with Frank from he and his partner, Hallie Jackson, making the decision for him to take a long paternity leave and his passion behind that, creating balance for their family with both him and Hallie being reporters, the challenge of having a newborn during Covid and so much more! 

Frank kicked us off with a great Today’s Dad definition that focused on being an active participant in parenting with your spouse/co-parent, empowering your partner and empowering yourself. A big thanks to Frank for joining us for a great episode.

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