Chris Chafin

We are joined on the pod this week by Chris Chafin. Chris is dad to an eight month old, a husband, the host of two different movie podcasts (ABC Movies and 30 Years Later), and a journalist who's written for Rolling StoneFast Company, and New York Magazine's Vulture, and lately has been writing about parenting for Vox

Chris recently wrote an article for Vox about four different dads and how the pandemic has transformed their notion of fatherhood. We spoke with Chris about this article and about what life has been like as a new dad in these crazy covid times. 

Chris dropped a very real and to the point Today’s Dad definition. His take on a Today’s Dad is that a Today’s Dad is really just trying to not fuck up. It  may sound simple, but there is a lot more to it! 

A big thanks to Chris for joining us on the pod this week. Be sure to check out his work and give his podcasts a listen!