Casey Palmer

This week on the pod we are joined by Casey Palmer. Casey is a dad to two, a husband, a writer, and the mastermind behind Casey Palmer, Canadian Dad | Husband. Father. Storyteller. 

The goal of this show has always been to learn from our guests so we can be better fathers, husbands and people. We spoke with Casey this week about life as a black dad, #blackdadworries, and about all of the protests that are happening around the world as a result of George Floyd’s death. 

This is a really important episode that we hope makes people think about the long standing race issues in this country, and how we have an opportunity to fix the problem….and it starts at home with how we talk to our kids! 

Casey’s Today’s Dad definition is a great starting point! He talks about how a Today’s Dad is trying to change the world’s perception of what a dad is, which it feels like we are doing in regards to how we treat one another. This is a great episode and we are so thankful to Casey for coming on and talking some real truths with us!


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