Bobby Barzi

This week on the pod we are joined by dad to two and the founder of fodada clothingBobby Barzi! Bobby started fodada in 2012 and has been supporting the growth and redefining of “fatherhood” ever since. 

It is no surprise that his Today’s Dad definition focuses on the evolution of a Today’s Dad and how the role is really less defined and “boxed in” than it used to be, but also how fatherhood is a platform to help us create change and understanding in all other aspects of our lives. We really loved this definition and know you will too! 

A big thanks to Bobby for joining us on the podcast this week! Give fodada a follow on social, and order a shirt or two to help support their they are super comfortable and cool looking shirts!

Get 25% off your fodada order with code ‘WDDR’ at checkout - Ends July 19th 2020


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In This Episode:
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fodada on Facebook
fodada’s website

George Dickel Bottled in Bond
Larceny Small Batch

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith

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