Drew Holcomb

This week on the pod we are joined by Drew Holcomb. Drew is a husband, dad to three, a singer songwriter and a true Today’s Dad. Drew started us off with a beautifully crafted Today’s Dad definition and the conversation got rolling from there. 

We covered a lot on this week’s episode; from he and his wife, Ellie Holcomb, both being musicians and balancing that with raising a family to their family vacation they did with Tennessee Vacation, their Kitchen Covers series (including a rant about the song America), Sweetens Cove Whiskey, sharing your opinions on social media, the changes to the music industry due to covid and much more.

A big thanks to Drew for joining us on the show this week! Please be sure to head over to their website (Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors) and rent their Neighborly Christmas Special and grab an album or some swag!

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