John Phillips

This week on the pod we are joined by John Phillips! John is a dad to one, a bladesmith, artist, the owner of Phillips Forged Knives and a true Today’s Dad! Not only does John make custom pieces for chefs and celebrities, but John’s work has also been featured in Sean Brock’s best selling cookbook, South,and he is the “Forged in Fire Champion” (from History Channel's #1 show, season 6 episode 20). 

John is a wickedly talented human! His process is so unique and skillful that he has to make his own tools to be able to create his knives. We were lucky enough to get a virtual, Zoom tour of his workshop! His Today’s Dad definition reflects his skills and talents. He talks about how a Today’s Dad is a role model and mentor, and helps to provide his kids with the tools they need to create their path. A big thanks to John for joining us on the show! Be sure to check out his Instagram to see his beautiful work,  and sign up for his mailing list!