Lonie Paxton

This week on the pod we are joined by Lonie Paxton! Lonie is a husband, dad to four, three time Super Bowl Champion, a kindness ambassador and a true Today’s Dad! Lonie joined us from his van (you know Covid and kids being home) to share his journey with us. 

We cover a lot in this episode including the birth of his twins and how his 12 year NFL career came to an end, his work with KindhumansNocking Point Wines and PowerDot, an upcoming film called Thrive that he is an executive producer on, how his family promotes kindness, how they are dealing with raising four kids under 8 during the pandemic and much more! 

Lonie’s Today’s Dad definition is all being fluid like a Swiss Army Knife and being present in the moment. A huge thanks to Lonie for joining us on the pod this week for a great conversation!

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