David Spitz

This week on the pod we are joined by David Spitz. David is a dad to three, a husband, Owner and CEO of California Strength, lifelong coach and (in his own words) “former athlete - turned fat guy - turned fit guy”. 

We had a great chat with David about his life as a Today’s Dad, his journey to creating Cal Strength and his own personal journey back to a life of fitness. We also talk about their new strength program, Ripped and Ready, that is perfect for dads looking to get back in shape or keep their fitness journey moving forward. David was kind enough to give our listeners 20% their first month of the program using the code “WDDR”. 

David shared a great Today’s Dad definition that focused on the ability to be multi-purpose in your role and being sure to prioritize yourself and your relationship with your spouse. The biggest takeaway from our chat with David was his motto of “never do nothing” and the importance of love and gratitude. 

A big thanks to David for joining us on the pod this week!

Episode Affiliates:
Ripped and Ready Program - 20% off your first month with Code: WDDR
Powerdot - Click here & enter ‘Dad20’ at checkout for 20% off your purchase
Squarespace: Save 10% on your first subscription of a website or domain.  Click here and use code: PARTNER10


In This Episode: 

Ripped and Ready Program - 20% off your first month with Code: WDDR

Gin & Juice - Michael
Obon 14 - David
Old Grand Dad Bonded - Palmer

California Strength Website
California Strength Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
California Strength YouTube Channel
Ripped and Ready Program
Erick Glader’s (PowerDot) Episode 
Christian Vande Velde Episode

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith


Apple Podcast - https://apple.co/2Tt9Fka
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2MfPPI3
Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2McLrJV
Google Podcast - http://bit.ly/2MemDS4