Coach Jonathan Cane

This week on the pod we are joined by Coach Jonathan Cane! Jonathan is a dad to 9 year old Simon, a husband, the Co-founder and Head Coach of City Coach in NYC and a true Today’s Dad! 

There were some great take-aways on the pod this week starting with Joanathan’s Today’s Dad definition that said a Today’s Dad is like a “human Swiss Army Knife”. We talked about the importance of drive, what endurance sports can teach you about life, the importance of letting your kids lead, and even got into some talk around gender roles and race. 

We hope you take away as much from this conversation as we did! A big thanks to Coach Cane for joining us on the pod this week!

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In This Episode: 

Scratch & cold  medicine - Palmer
Jeffersons - Michael

Ali on The Run Podcast
Ali Feller
Jonathan’s Book - Triathlon Anatomy 

City Coach: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Coach Cane: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith

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