Joe Matlock

This week on the pod we are joined by someone new to the dad club (by about 2 months), Joe Matlock! Joe is Vice President of Matlock Tire Service and an all around good dude. We had a lot of fun talking with this new dad about working for a family business that has been around since the 1950s, generational differences of being a dad, balancing work and family life, Bojangel’s Sweet Tea and much more!

Joe dropped a great perspective on a Today’s Dad definition. His definition is based on the values that he grew up having instilled in him, treating people the way you want to be treated, and frankly, not reinventing the wheel! Joe says that a Today’s Dad isn’t that different from dads of the past, but knows how to apply these values to the modern world we live in.

This is a great episode, and we really appreciate Joe joining us on the pod this week!


In This Episode: 

Weller Special Reserve
Old Fashion

Matlock Tire Service-Website
Matlock Tire Service-Facebook
Joe Matlock

Ep. 24 Scott Stallings 

Performed and written by Jordan Burris
Produced by Jordan Burris & Asher Smith

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