Raising Kids on Music

Music...its a f*cking glorious thing! 

It fills our minds, hearts, and souls with all the feels…

It is the creator of EPIC dance parties with the kiddos….

It tells stories and creates memories even when you aren’t expecting it…

It starts relationships, strengthens bonds, and heals us....

So yeah, as Today’s Dads, music is pretty damn important!


Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat.

Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat.

You know what I want? I want to hear from the back seat of the car, “hey dad, can you throw on some (insert whatever your jam is here) please! I love when we listen to their music”. Mic drop, boom, job done as a parent...right? We all have music that we grew up on that still stirs up those sweet nostalgic memories every time we listen to it. And if not, sorry you were robbed of your childhood, fix it with your kids...do it...now! 

The memories we have around music are powerful! Both the happy and the sad. And that is one of the many reasons I make music such a central presence in my kiddo’s lives. Selfishly, I want them to experience those feelings over the same songs I do, but I also want to grow that library for/with them…..yes we let the kids turn us on to music too….sometimes….

But the nostalgia goes beyond just listening to music. It gets wrapped up in learning music as well. Do you play an instrument? I bet if you do, you have piles of memories wrapped around how you learned, who you’ve played with, and how you play. And if you’ve been lucky enough to strum the old 6 string with your dad (like I have)….well you get it then, right? So as a dad who plays instruments...of course I want my kids to have the opportunity to play an instrument when they are ready. Because they are gonna want to jam with their old man when they are older, just like they did as kids when we made the xylophone our bitch! 

Hey dad, can I put some John Prine on the record player?

How We Listen

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“Hey Alexa play Mumford & Sons”.....the amount of times that phrase has been spoken at my house is absolutely insane. But you know what else has been said a countless amount of times? 

“Hey dad, can I put some John Prine on the record player?” “YES...of course you can! And get your ass over here after for a power hug because at the moment, you are in the running for favorite child…”

Yes in the Palmer household we have a Sonos or an Echo in almost every room, and honestly I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t. Our house is full of music at all times, and the kids are able to put it on when they want, which is a win in my book. With streaming services and the age of bluetooth speakers, I am a happy man at the ease of access to music. 

But I also love my record collection. The smell...the age...the crackles...the pops….the MEMORIES (yup there is that nostalgia piece again)....there are so many ways to access music these days, and that is great! But it is nice having that touch with the past from time to time as well. But the point is this….


No matter how you listen, just be sure to listen, dance, play, and sing! And that isn’t just me saying it because clearly I’m mildly obsessed with the idea of music. There are plenty of people way smarter than me that have shown how music lessons/playing an instrument can improve a child’s cognitive abilities and help them to do better academically. And for those that just enjoy listening to music...did you know that music has been shown to make us physically healthier, improve our mental well-being, and so much more? 

What we are saying is pretty simple….we think music should be a big part of yours and your kids’ lives. However you choose to have it in your life, we think the important thing is that you are doing it, there is no right or wrong way! 

Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat.

Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat.

And if you need some inspiration for some music to listen to with the kids, or some beats to have a family dance party to….well then you came to the right place because we have throw together a badass playlist for you to enjoy! Mike and I, along with the help of his kids and mine spent hours (well maybe just a few minutes) crafting this beauty for you….we hope you enjoy! 

Palmer out! 

Be sure to check out our Today’s Dad and Kids Essential Playlist on Spotify

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