Travis Macy

This week on the pod we are joined by Travis Macy. Travis is a dad to two, the host of the podcast, the Travis Macy Show, an author, endurance coach, all around badass endurance athlete and a big fan of Burro Racing. 

We mixed things up this week a bit on the show. We are hosting the first half of the conversation here at Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat. After you listen to it, you can head over to The Travis Macy Show to hear the second half of the conversation. Be sure to subscribe to Travis’ show while you are at it!

I can’t thank Travis enough for joining me on the pod this week. We had a great conversation about everything from family and illness, to the importance of support networks, burro races, perseverance, the challenges of adjusting to new roles and much more. It was a true pleasure to talk with him about his dad, Mark Macy, and hear about their relationship. I hope you all enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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